The CSXT RRT has provided rail interdiction training to more than 85 SWAT teams in 13 states, with the help of their T3-the only SWAT train in the world.
Consider the threat of a terrorist attack on the U.S. railroad system, passenger or freight. After all, the events in London, Madrid and Mumbai were real, and the designed ease of access to passenger rail transportation in this country makes prevention difficult. Likewise, freight railroads ship many thousands of hazardous materials through high threat urban areas on a daily basis, owing to die historic fact that most of these cities grew up around the railroads.
Logically, after the attacks on the U.S. in 2001 and the rail attacks in Europe and India, law enforcement agencies started to quicken their pace of training for train-related incidents. The problem was that rail equipment was scarce, and when it was available, could not include die realistic "train like you fight," force-on-force training that law enforcement agencies craved.
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